GIS Becomes the Fastest-Paying Regional Inspection Company in the Industry

For mortgage field inspectors, finding quality work is only half the battle. Getting paid in a timely manner can be even more challenging—but not with all inspection companies. GIS Field Services is the fastest-paying regional inspection company in the industry, paying faster than even many national companies.

While some companies claim to pay weekly or every other week, they’re typically paying on work that’s 30 days in arrears, so while you may be paid every seven to 14 days, it’s generally for work you completed last month.

At GIS, our inspectors are paid every Friday for work completed the prior Monday through Sunday—not last month. Our fast-pay policy reflects our commitment to our inspectors and the value they deliver for a job well done, and it can be beneficial while HUD continues to work on rolling out an increase to the allowable inspection rate.

“While waiting for industry rate increases, it’s challenging for our clients–the mortgage servicers–to give pricing increases because they won’t be reimbursed,” says Taylor Gregory, VP at GIS Field Services. “But by becoming the fastest-paying company, we’ve been able to help our inspectors better keep up with their expenses, like having money for gas and expenses every week so they can complete their work for GIS as well as work they do for the others.”

We know our fast-pay policy has had an impact because our inspectors have shared their feedback:

“I have enjoyed working with GIS. Everyone there helps when asked. The fast pay has helped with gas and other automotive needs like tires and so on. I have worked with them for a little over a year and plan on continuing for a very long time.” – Deborah W.

Besides being the fastest-paying regional inspection company, GIS also provides all the support you need to thrive as a mortgage field inspector, including a comprehensive back office and a dedicated inspection manager there to help whenever you need them.

If you’re not a mortgage field inspector yet but you’re looking to become one, read more about what it takes to break into the industry. And if you’re interested in working with GIS, we invite you to view our open positions.